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Ara: Government Rail Police (GRP), Ara, arrested three teenage girls and a youth at the Ara railway station on Wednesday evening but later handed over the girls to their parents but detained the youth at the police station.

SHO GRP Parashuram Singh said that three girls along with their boyfriends from Gundi village under Krishnagarh police station were loitering on platform no 2 and were waiting for a train. Police suspected their activities and they could not reply properly and two of the youth escaped instead. Police arrested all the three girls and a youth and brought them the GRP police station. All the four confessed before the police that they hail from village Gundi. They also said that they had escaped from their houses without telling their parents and were going to Muradabad in Utter Pradesh. The GRP SHO informed the parents of the girls and the youth who immediately came to the police station. After warning the SHO handed over the girls to their parents. 

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