Kumar Rajiv Nahyan

Ara : A youth was crushed to death by a speeding vehicle near Jhauwa Naga Baba on Belwania – Bihia roundabout under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district on September 15, 2018. The deceased was identified as Naushad Quraisi, son of Irshad Quraisi of Ranisagar under Shahpur police station.

Police brought the body over to Ara Sadar Hospital, Ara, for post-mortem. SHO, Bihia police station, said that Naushad Quraisi was returning from his relative’s place at Belwania on his motorcycle. When he reached near Jhauwa Naga Baba, his motorcycle collided with a speeding vehicle, the SHO said adding he was killed on the spot.

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