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Ara : A named FIR was lodged with Tier police station in Bhojpur district on July 16, 2018, against the in-laws and others in connection with murder of a married woman Manju Devi at Hulas Tola  on July 14, 2018. No arrest has so far been made in this connection.

ASP, Bhojpur, Manjeet Kumar said that Manju Devi, daughter of Lal Ji Yadav of village Kahev  under Jagdishpur police station was married to Bikram Yadav, son of Shashi Kapoor Singh of Hulas Tola under Tier police station in 2009. She had a 5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. On July 14, 2018, her in-laws allegedly killed her and disposed off her body in a haste, the ASP said adding police are investigating the matter and hoped the accused will be nabbed at the earliest.

Lal Ji Yadav, father of deceased, alleged said that Manju’s in-laws killed her under a well planned conspiracy and did not even inform him about her death. Lal Ji Yadav said he got information about the death of his daughter from a well wisher at Hulas Tola two days after her murder. When he reached there, her in-laws and even husband were not there.

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