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Sasaram : The ban on open defecation (OD) cost two lives at Sasaram  in Rohtas  district on August 3, 2017. The locals blocked the NH 2  and paralysed movement of vehicles for about four hours. They alleged the district administration has adopted suppressive measure to check open defecation.

Some persons were defecating in the open at Khurmabad village under Chenari police station in Rohtas district on the bank of Kudara river in the morning on August 3. Meanwhile, an Inspecting team, formed by the Rohtas district administration to check open defecation, reached there. Seeing the team, people ran helter- skelter in their bid to escape. Some persons jumped  into river Kudara  of which two minor children met their watery grave while others swam to safety. Rohtas district administration summoned the SDRF team to fish out the bodies.

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