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Munger: A large number of people practiced Yoga at new campus of Bihar School of Yoga at Munger beside river Ganga near Kastaharnighat on Tuesday on the occasion of  second International Yoga Day. In absence of Swami Niranjananand Sarswati, a trained Yoga teacher of the school led the yoga session which was attended by hundreds of people including women.

Surces said that Swamiji had gone to Rikhiya in Deoghar to attend the Yoga programme at the samadhi of Swami Satyanand, the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. He attained samadhi there in 2013. Swami Shankaranand led Yoga on Tuesday morning. Swami Niranjanand returned from Rikhiya on Tuesday evening to participate at the evening programme in the courtyard of the Bihar School of Yoga here, sources said.

More than one lakh people including male, female and children participated in yoga session organised at different centres selected by the authorities of Yoga school to mark the second International Yoga Day making it a grand success. Incidentally, bureaucrats of the district headquarters skipped the session this year. RN Singh, a bank official,said that Munger has become a hub of Yoga training for curing varieties of ailments through scientific practice of Yoga. Singh appealed all to adopt this easy practice for good health.


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