Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Bhojpur District and Sessions Judge Amar Mani Tripathi and District Magistrate Sanjeev Kumar on August 9, 2018, inaugurated a Legal Aid Centre jointly by lighting the candle on the campus of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) office. The centre has been opened by the District Legal Service Authority, Bhojpur, on the direction of National Legal Service Authority (NALSA).

Addressing the gathering, Narendra Kumar, Secretary, Legal Aid Service Authority, talked about the function of Legal Aid Centre and added that this centre will help the children brought over to the CWC a lot. He added that the children are future of the nation and they could not be deprived of their natural and legal rights. He said that each and every person of the society should be aware of their rights. He said that a panel advocates is available for free counseling and legal aid to the children at the centre

SDO, Ara, Arun Prakash, Assistant Director, Child Protection Unit, Rashmi Chaudhary, and Chairperson, CWC, Sunita Kumari, also addressed the meeting.

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