Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Jailor, Ara jail, Mrityunjay Kumar, on March 15, 2018, lodged a named FIR with  Town police station, Ara, against four inmates of the jail for allegedly making a video showing them smoking Ganja and talking on cellphones inside the jail  that went viral on social networking sites on March 9, 2018.

The jail inmates against whom FIR has been lodged are : Deepak Singh, Pintu Kumar, Shashibhushan Kuer of village Nathmalpur under Barahara police station in BHojpur district, and Anil Kumar of Buxar.

After a video showing the inmates of Ara jail smoking Ganja and talking on cellphones went viral on the social networking sites, the Bhojpur district administration conducted raids at Ara jail on March 9 night which angered the inmates who resorted to agitation the very next day demanding transfer of Jail Superintendent Niranjan Pandit.

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