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Bagaha: The  Eco vikas samiti of  tribal dominated Dolabazawa- Hathuyanawa panchayat under Bagaha -II block in Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR) in West Champaran district held a meeting on Friday under the chairmanship Eco vikas samiti chairman Ramnath Oraon. The samiti passed over a dozen resolution for uplift of tribals and non- tribals who reside adjacent to the VTR.

The samiti members decided to work more for wildlife protection and conservation of forests trees and  stressed on the need of construction of roads in forest near the villages. They demanded distribution of cooking gas  and  solar lamps among families below poverty line and sinking of 25 handpumps for safe drinking water. Rampravesh Ram of Ghati tola raised the issue of traditional rights from forests should be restored to the tribals and forests dwellers. About 58 active members of the samiti attended the meet. The copy of the resolution was sent to VTR officials for immediate solution, said samiti chairman Ramnath Oraon.

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