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Bokaro  (Jharkhand) :  Twenty-two students of DPS Bokaro have qualified for the State Level Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) 2021-22,  a national programme jointly organized by Vijnana Bharati, NCERT, and Vigyan Prasar, with the objective to identify knowledge seekers in Science and nurture them for higher level of science education. Out of the 134 students who have qualified from Jharkhand, 22 students are from DPS Bokaro.

The candidates who have qualified to take the state level examination are : Anshuli Arya, Harsh Nayak, Ayarma, Jay Satvik Madireddy, Kunal Anand, Nirwan, Pranshu Baranwal, Shipra Hembram, Aavya Singh, Amogh Anand Jha, Kumar Anmol, Yasharth Gautam, Aryan Kumar, Shreshtha Rupam Dwivedi, Rakshit Raj, Sayan Karmakar, Shigra Kumar, Shreyanshu Ghosh, Aarushi Pandeya, Ashutosh Agarwal, Robab Faizee, and Tanu Shriya.

The state level examination that critically analyses the scientific acumen of students will be conducted later. The qualifiers at the State level will make it to the National Level of VVM. VVM examination includes Written Test, Observational Analysis of Video Clips, Situation Problem Solving, and Hands-on Activities.

Principal, DPS Bokaro,  A S  Gangwar,  expressed his happiness on this achievement of his students and said,”I am happy that every year Bokaro Dipsites have performed exceptionally well at this exam. The results are a testimony to the school’s pedagogy which makes sure that students engage, imbibe, and enjoy.” He wished the students best of luck for the next round.