Sasaram : Unidentified criminals drew Rs 20,000 the SBI accout of Fast Track Court II Judge, Sasaram, Ravindra Mani Tripathi, on August 7, 2018. The Judge informed police and Branch Manager, State Bank of India. He also lodged an FIR with Model police station, Sasaram, in this connection but no arrest has been so far in this connection.
The Judge said that the criminals called him on his cellphone saying that they were officials of the SBI. They said that the ATM card of the Judge was blocked and demanded pin no to restart it. The Judge relied on them and told them the pin no. After sometime, Rs 20,000 was drawn from his account that alarmed him and he informed police and Branch Manager, SBI, about the incident. He said that miscreants tried to draw Rs 49,000 once again but failed in their effort.