Shashank Shekhar

Bokaro ( Jharkhand) :  Taking no chance and according top priority to safety of the people,  Bokaro SP Y S Ramesh has directed all  puja committees to get themselves registered after subbmitting their applications  assuring the district administration that  they will abide by the Rules and Regulations including fixing date and time of immersion of  idols.

Till date, 19  major Puja committees, which draw maximum crowd  including of Bokaro steel city,  Chas, Bermo, Chandankyari, Chandrapura, Bokaro thermal, Gomia have agreed to install a minimum  of three  CCTVs besides fire extinguishers which has been made mandatory to tackle any emergency. Large turnout of people running into thousands per day is expected starting from ‘Saptami’ (seventh day of puja)  on September 27 till Vijaya Dashmi (tenth day of puja) which falls on September 30, 2017.

This decision was taken at high level meeting of police officers  headed by Bokaro SP on September 12, 2017, after looking at past record of turnout at Vaishali Mor of Sector IX, Sector II, Sector III, Sector IV, Sector XII (of Bokaro steel city), Chas check post, Chandrapura main market, Bermo township, Gomia, Petarwar  and Bokaro Thermal  township where  thousands of people the puja pandals.

Bokaro SP asked the officers in-charge of all the police stations to direct all puja committees to install  CCTVs and fire extinguishers (puja committee members should also be given training as how to handle and use fire extinguishers) for the safety of people. Talking to  the reporters, the SP explained that installation of  CCTVs at entrance point, main center of puja, where people assemble for worshiping Goddess Durga, and parking space for vehicles will definitely help in providing security to everyone and take quick action in case of any emergency.

“Besides installation of CCTVs, the puja committees have also been asked to install fire extinguishers in view of use of thousands of  decorative small lights and big bulbs as on the same campus ‘Havans’ are performed. Its not going  to cost very high to the puja committees., ” stated Bokaro SP Ramesh.

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