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Ara  : A woman committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling of her room at village Mathiapur under Chandi police station in Bhojpur district on April 23, 2017, evening. Later police seized the body after getting information from the villagers and brought it to  Ara Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. Police also took the husband of the deceased Mukesh Kumar Rai under custody for interrogation.

SHO, Chandi Police Station, said that Pinki Kumari, daughter of Sudama Yadav of village Narayanpur under the same police station, was married to Mukesh Kumar Rai of Mathiapur village in 2016.

The SHO said that Mukesh Kumar Rai and Pinki always quarrelled over petty issues. For the last one month, Pinki had been putting pressure on her husband to take her to her parents at Narayanpur but Mukesh Kumar Rai remained reluctant on this matter. On April 23 evening, both of them again had tiff over the issue after which Pinki confined herself to her room. She tied saree around her neck and hanged herself from the ceiling of the room.

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