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Munger: The charred body of a young married woman Beauty, 20, was recovered by the police on May 25  from a forest area  under Haveli Kharagpur police station, 45 km south from district headquarters Munger. She was killed for dowry allegedly by  her in-laws. Beauty was burnt on May 23 night by her in-laws at  their house, police said and added that her body was thrown into a forest belt near Sindhbarni irregation dam under Haveli Kharagpur police station in Munger district.

On the basis of statement of  Mahesh Sah, beauty’s father, a resident of village Mohanpur under Haveli Haragpur police station,  that she was married to Chhotu Sah, son of Umesh Sah, a resident of village Gordhoba under the same police station only a few months back but was burnt to death for not meeting the dowry demands her husband, police arrested beauty’s father-in- law Umesh Sah and  her brother -in- law  Amit Sah.

The in-laws of Beauty had demanded Rs two lakh cash besides a new motorcycle as dowry even as her  parents had gifted many items to them at the time of marriage.  Mahesh informed police that he had asked his son-in -law to wait for some time and he would try to meet his demand, but beauty’s in-laws killed his daughter. Chhotu Sah and other members of  his family including his mother and his sister Chandni Kumari are still at large. The police said that they too would be arrested  soon.

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