Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : The Examination Department of Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU), Ara, has allowed students, who had got them admitted to different BEd colleges without appearing at the entrance examination conducted by the university, to fill up examination form violating the order of the office of the Governor cum Chancellor. The VKSU administration issued them admit cards and they are now appearing at the examination which got underway on July 19, 2017. The act of the examination department of the VKSU has raised a big question mark over the functioning of the university.

The VKSU administration, in the light of a letter from the governor office, had declared the admission of these students to the B Ed course without appearing at the entrance examination illegal. The VKSU had prepared a counselling list and the B Ed department had to admit students and the examination forms filled up tallying it with the counselling list before sending the filled up forms to the university. But, the BEd department did not comply with the direction of university and accepted all the forms without verification.

The VKSU had conducted entrance examination for the admission to the BEd on  the direction of the Governor office and the successful students had to be admitted to different BEd colleges on the basis of counselling but most of the B Ed colleges did not abide by the order of the university and admitted even students who had not appeared at the entrance examination. At least 18 BEd colleges under the VKSU are located in Bhojpur, Buxar, Kaimur and Rohtas districts and almost all of them did not comply with the order of the VKSU.

Registrar, VKSU, Manoj Kumar had issued letter refusing registration of students who had succeeded in getting admission in BEd without appearing at the entrance examination. Dean, Students Welfare (DSW), VKSU, Arunkant Singh, said that the university had on June 16, 2017, declared admission of students, who had got admission without appearing at the entrance examination, as illegal. But, the examination department still accepted examination forms of such students.

Examination Controller, VKSU, Prasunjay Kumar Sinha said that Principals of all the B Ed colleges were ordered not to allow such students to fill up exam forms. He said that admit cards were issued on the basis of examination forms submitted by the B Ed colleges administration. He added if results of such students are withheld, the BEd college administration will be responsible.

Vice-Chancellor, VKSU, Sayyed Mumtajuddin, said that the VKSU had earlier banned admission of the students to the B Ed colleges who had not appeared at the entrance examination. If some BEd colleges have submitted examination forms of such students, the university will not publish their results.

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