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Nawada: A mahadalit undertrial Arjun Rajbanshi died on April 19, 2017, allegedly after being brutally beaten both by Rajauli police as well as Nawada jail staff. Surprisingly, the body was handed over to the family without conducting the mandatory post- mortem.

Arjun Rajbanshi’s unnatural death led the agitated family members and Ramdasi co-villagers to block the NH 31 at 6 am near Rajauli leading to a massive vehicular blockade on April 19,2017.
The family members alleged that Arjun Rajbanshi was arrested by Rajauli police five days earlier for possessing a few country liquor pouches. He was allegedly mercilessly beaten up by Rajauli police and later forwarded to judicial custody without being treated for injuries received at the hands of the police. Later, in the jail also he was beaten up for not paying money to the jail authorities, alleged his family members.

When his condition deteriorated, the jail authorities ferried him to sadar hospital on a rickshaw instead of an ambulance leading to his death before he could reach the hospital. Overlooking the mandatory post- mortem, the body was handed over to the family members at 3 am on April 19 leading to the blockade.
Five hours later, the blockade was lifted only when the Rajauli Block development officer (BDO) handed over Rs 20,000 ex-gratia amount to the victim’s family and Upendra Yadav, the Rajauli SDPO, assured to fully investigate into the allegations and do justice.

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