Speed Post News Network

Madhubani: Of the myriad problems netizens of Madhubani face, traffic snarl is the most annoying. With a burgeoning vehicular traffic during last couple of decades, complete absence of administrative initiatives to tackle the problem has
made the situation grim. In a city with less than a lakh of population, one gets stuck on roads for hours.
The problem can be ascribed to various reasons all of which can be resolved with a little bit of administrative effort.  Darbhanga, a neighbouring city, much bigger in size and in terms of traffic volume, successfully solved the problem to a large extent by strictly introducing one-way traffic movement.
Though the Madhubani district administration has talked of shifting the private bus stand from its present location in the middle of the town to somewhere on the periphery on a number of occasions, business lobby of the town has successfully thwarted all such attempts so far.
Encroachment of roads making already narrow roads even narrower is another big menace. There are certain areas in the town where almost half of the road from both sides are used for setting up shops making the entry of four-wheelers simply unimaginable. Added to these is the chaotic ways vehicles are parked on roads. But, no one seems to bother
even though everyone feels the pinch every day.

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