

Speed Post News Network

Patna: Bihar CM Nitish Kumar while addressing the Patna division conference of Jeevika at S K Memorial hall on Tuesday said gave full credit to Didis of Jeevika for enforcement of prohibition in the state. He said prohibition was also enforced in 1977 but at that time it had faced several problems. He said that it was at the same venue that the didis of Jeevika had demanded ban on liquor on July 9, 2015, and he had promised to ban it if he comes  to power again after the 2015 assembly polls.

The CM said that after complete prohibition was imposed on April 5 this year, crime rate had dropped by 15 % in the state. He said incidents of murders had come down by 32 %, rape by 26% , kidnapping by 76 %, dacoity by 45 %  and road accidents by 32 %. Police were taking action on every incident of crime, he said. The CM said that now Self Help Groups(SHGs) will be given the responsibility of taking the children to schools as only fifty to sixty percent children were reaching schools though 90% children in the school going age were enrolled in different schools.

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