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Munger: Guddu Yadav, one of the thirteen accused in a case of triple murder, was sentenced to rigourous life imprisonment by a Munger court on June 14.

Additional district and sessions judge(ADJ)-V Jyoti Swaroop Shrivatava after hearing the prosecution and the defence lawyers in the triple murder case, sentenced Guddu Yadav, 35, son of Indradeo Yadav, resident of village Taufir under Munger Mufassil police station of this district to rigorous life imprisonment. The court also slapped a fine of Rs one lakh on him.

The prosecution story, as  briefly stated by the additional public prosecutor(APP) Sandeep Bhattacharya, Mufassil police on the statement of Rakesh Kumar, resident of village Taufir in Munger district, instituted an FIR against  thirteen persons including Guddu Yadav of the same village alleging that when he along with his younger brother Pintoo Yadav,  Bipin Yadav and Randhir Yadav, sons of Shailendra Yadav, residents of village Sonbarsa in Khagaria district were stacking wheat crop at the farm on May 18, 2011, Maheshwar Singh, Ramgulam Yadav and 22 other persons besides more than fifteen to twenty persons carrying firearms reached there and demanded Rs five lakh as ransom for stacking wheat crops or  face consequence. They also asked them to surrender their licenced rifle. The informant refused to obey them.This led to some altercations and after that Maheshwar Singh first shot at Bipin Yadav. Few other accused also fired.

Pintoo Yadav, brother of the informant, was also shot at when he protested. Pintoo tried to jump into river Ganga flowing beside with his rifle to save his life, but the accused chased  and killed him in the river water and snatched his rifle. The FIR, according to the APP Bhattacharya, also alleged that Randhir Yadav was kidnapped by the criminals and killed later on.   The case of remaining twelve named accused in the FIR had been separated from that of Guddu Yadav, because the other accused were absconding for a long period.


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