Vivek Hari

Patna : Secretary of the NGO running Bihar Government funded Shortstay Home, Vishesh Aashra Grih located in Rajivnagar, Patna, Chirantan Kumar, and Treasurer Manisha Dayal, were arrested on August 12, 2018, evening, in connection with the death of 2 inmates under mysterious circumstances on August 10, 2018. They have been arrested for negligence in medicare of the two inmates. The death of two women has put Patna district administration in the dock.

The two women, Babli, 40, and Poonam Bharti, 18, died on August 10 night itself, whereas the post-mortem was done on August 11, 2018 in the presence of a Magistrate. Babli came to the shelter home, Aashra Grih, in April, while Poonam Bharti reached there on August 1, 2018.

The Secretary of Anumaya Human Resources, which runs the Shelter Home, Chirantan Kumar, had claimed that the women were already ill when they entered Aashra. According to Patna DM Kumar Ravi, the incident is being inquired from different angles. A medical team headed by Patna Civil Surgeon is probing into the circumstances leading to death of the 2 women.

The death of the 2 women has acquired a mysterious hue as one Ram Nagina Singh alias Banarsi, aged 50, had allegedly tried to abduct an inmate of Aashra on August 10 but was arrested by the police.  Patna DM and SSP visited Vishesh Aashra Grih on August 12.

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