Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Two plays on the evils of child marriage and benefits of cleanness were staged at Rajkiya Ambedkar Aawasiya Balika Uchch Vidyalaya, Ara, in Bhojpur district  on October 3, 2018, to mark the sesquicentennial birth anniversary of father of nation Mahatma Gandhi.

Kirti Prakash, Headmaster Incharge of the school, highlighted the evils of child marriage and exhorted the girl students to say no to early marriage. She said Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has launched campaign against child marriage, dowry and liquor for the betterment of society especially girls and women who are the worst victim of such evils.  Later, around a dozen sanitation workers were felicitated with the title ‘Safai ke Nayaks’.

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