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Dhanbad ( Jharkhand): Unidentified criminals committed major robbery on September 3o night at the house of Mobin Ahmad,  Senior scientist  of Central Institute of mining and fuel  Research (CIMFR), who stays at Ramson Vihar colony under Dhanbad Sadar police station, and decamped with precious items  worth more than Rs 6 lakh including gold jewellery and Rs 30,000 cash.

Ramson colony is located at the last point of Wasseypur Mohalla and Bhuli  colony just next to Heerak road where 5 scientists of CIMFR stay. Frequent incidents of robbery are reported from the area. Mobin was  present at the house along with his wife  and was sleeping in his room on the first floor as his engineer son is at present posted at Ghana.

Police sources  stated that the robbers entered the house after breaking the backyard grill of  the window on the ground floor and fter opening the ground floor main door searched all the three rooms on the floor and then went to the first floor where also they broke  open the cupboard from where they got Rs 30,000 and  precious gold and diamond ornaments. The robbers did not  take away any other items.

Mobin came to know about the burglary on October 1 early morning when he woke up after which he called upon Dhanbad Sadar police station, which rushed  to the spot for investigation, and later  even informed  CIMFR senior officers about this incident who also rushed there. Talking to media persons, Mobin Ahmad expressed his concern over security in the locality. When contacted  Dhanbad City SP Anshuman Kumar stated that investigation into the robbery had begun and police were trying their best to nab the culprits.

CMFIR Public relation officer I Ahmad said if scientists remain worried about their security, it will definitely have impact in their professional life and even their research works.“ We will be meeting Dhanbad SP to seek protection to scientists,” he said.


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