Speed Post News Network

New Delhi : The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has decided to implement a “Value Engineering Programme” which will promote the use of new technologies, materials and equipment in all highways projects executed either under PPP  mode or public funding mode.

The objective is to keep pace with the evolution of new and innovative technologies, materials and equipment in construction of highways projects while simultaneously enhancing the strength, capacity, durability and performance of the structure reducing environmental footprint and ensuring cost effectiveness based on life cycle cost approach. The Value Engineering Programme is expected to increase speed of construction, reduce construction cost, increase asset durability and improve aesthetics and safety, according to a PIB release. 

A National Panel of Experts (NPE) has been constituted for resolving the technical issues which arise as a result of differences in views between engineers and concessionaires/contractors regarding implementation of new and innovative technologies, materials and equipment for National Highways projects. The NPE will also decide about the need for field trials of any new or innovative technology/materials/ equipment before its adoption. In addition to this, the NPE will also finalize associated design approaches, construction methodologies/sequences as well as the relevant specifications/codes/ guidelines so that the contractor may use the proposed new/alternative materials/technologies/ equipments in project highway, according to the PIB release.

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