Speed Post News Network
Patna : An irate mob of Art and Crafts College students on Monday manhandled Patna University (PU) vice-chancellor (VC) Y C Simhadri at his residence in protest against the alleged indifference of the university authorities towards their demands.
The agitating students led by All India Students’ Federation (AISF) stormed into the VC’s residence and ransacked the house. Sensing danger, the VC’s bodyguard fired in the air to disperse the mob. The police, however, reached the spot in time and brought the situation under control. The students are sitting on dharna at the gate of the VC’s residence.

The students are on fast unto death for the last 12 days to press their demands including removal of the art and crafts college principal and withdrawal of suspension of students. Earlier, they had also burnt effigies of education minister and the VC in protest against non-fulfilmen tof their demands.

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