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Madhubani: The court of Chief Judicial Magistrate(CJM), Madhubani, Narendra Prasad, issued arrest warrant against the Principal of local  R K College Ramesh Yadav  on May 23.  The principal has been accused of assaulting a dalit student.
According to the FIR lodged with Town police station, Madhubani , on October 22, 2015, by one Sameer Dayal Deepak, the wife of the informant, Amrita Kumari, had applied for admission to PG Psychology but she was denied admission despite her name figuring in the merit list published by the college.

When Sameer raised the issue with the Principal, the latter allegedly got infuriated and abused the informant. Apart from that the Principal  and his goons tried to assault him. Though he tried to save himself by hiding in the B.Ed department, the parincipal and his men allegedly chased him and assaulted him, the FIR claims.
The court had reportedly issued summons to Yadav be present personally in the court. Non-compliance of the court order apparently led to the issuance of the arrest warrant.

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