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New Delhi : PM Narendra Modi on February 25, 2018, urged the people to inculcate safety in their day-to-day lives. In his monthly ‘Mann ki Baat’ radio broadcast, the PM also said the country was looking beyond the concept of women’s development and talking in terms of development being led by women. “Women today were leaders in various spheres of life,” PM Modi said terming it a positive step.
“Today the country is moving forward from the path of Women development to women-led development. Today our woman power has shown inner fortitude and self-confidence, has made herself self-reliant. Not only has she advanced herself but has carried forward the country and society to newer heights,” PM Modi said, according to a PIB release.
” I just received news from Jharkhand where under the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, about 1.5 million women in Jharkhand – and this figure is not a small one organized a hygiene campaign for an entire month. Under this campaign starting from January 26, 2018, these women constructed 1,7 lakh toilets in just 20 days and made a record of sorts. There were about one lakh ‘Sakhi Mandals,’ 14 lakh women, 2,000 women Panchayat representatives, 29,000 water carriers, 10,000 female cleaners and 50,000 women masons involved in this campaign. You can imagine what a mammoth undertaking it was,” the PM added.
The PM said he was watching the TV news two days ago that electricity has reached three villages of the Elephanta island after 70 years of independence and this has led to much joy and enthusiasm among the people there. “You all know that Elephanta is located 10 km by the sea from Mumbai. It is a very important tourist destination. I was surprised to know that despite being such a prominent center of tourism its close proximity from Mumbai, electricity hadn’t reached Elephanta even after so many years of independence,” the PM said.
The PM said in current budget, emphasis has been laid on turning ‘waste to wealth’ and ‘waste to energy’ through Bio gas under the Swachch Bharat Campaign. An effort named GOBAR-Dhan – Galvanizing Organic Bio Agro Resourceshas been initiated. The aim of this GOBAR- DHAN scheme is ensuring cleanliness in villages and generating wealth and energy by converting cattle dung and solid agricultural waste into Compost and Bio Gas. India is home to the highest cattle population in the world close to 300 million in number with a daily output of 3 million tonnes of dung. Some European countries and China use animal dung and other Bio-waste to produce energy. But India was lacking full capacity utilization. Under the Swachch Bharat Mission (Rural), we are taking rapid strides in this direction, the PM said.
A target has been set to use cattle dung, agricultural waste, kitchen waste to produce Bio gas based energy. “Under the Gobardhan Scheme, our farmer brothers & sisters in rural India will be encouraged to consider dung and other waste not just as a waste but as a source of income. Under ‘GobarDhanYojana’, many benefits will accrue to rural areas. It will be easier to keep the village clean and sanitized, livestock health will improve and farm yields will increase.,” PM Modi said, according to the PIB release.
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