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New Delhi : PM Narendra Modi on July 24, 2017, released the fourth volume of Selected Speeches of President Pranab Mukherjee. Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that the guidance he received from President Pranab Mukherjee will help him immensely. He said he was sure that those who worked with him feel the same.

PM Modi described President Pranab Mukherjee as extremely knowledgable and extremely simple. He said that whenever he would discuss official matters with President Pranab Mukherjee, the President would guide him and offer constructive feedback, according to a PIB release.

Under President Pranab Mukherjee, Rashtrapati Bhavan became a ‘Lok Bhavan’, the Prime Minister added. The Prime Minister said that a treasure of historical documentation has come up in his tenure. He complimented the President’s team for this effort, according to the PIB release.

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