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Bagaha: Bettiah SDM Sunil Kumar, on the direction of DM, West Champaran, Lokesh Kumar Singh, on Thursday handed over a cheque of Rs 4 lakh as ex-gratia to the parents of Sajani Kumari, 4, who was killed on September 6 when the thatched Anganwadi Centre (104) at Sehura under Jogapatti block suddenly collapsed foallowing heavy rain. Eight other children studying at the centre were also injured seriously.

The DM  has directed District programme officer (DPO) and ICDS incharge Kumar Prashant to intiate an inquiry into the incident to find out whowas responsible for running Anganwadi centre in a thatched house at the door of Anganwadi Sevika Sudha Devi. In absence of building for Anganwadi centre, it can run only from the neatest Government School building not from a private house.
A show cause notice  has also been served on Child development project officer (CDPO) Usha Devi in this regard. The DM asked senior officials of the district including BDOs to look into the performance of Anganwadi centres also.


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