Speed Post News Network

New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Chairman, Railway Board, on the basis of media reports raising questions about the safety of the tracks in Kerala. Reportedly, there are at least 238 spots, where the tracks are either damaged or weak due to which the railways have ordered to run trains slower than the normal speed. The Railway Board Chairman has been asked to submit an urgent report in the matter within four weeks, according to an NHRC release.

The Commission has observed that the issue, brought to its notice by Jacob Punnoose, Special Rapporteur, NHRC, is serious.  Railway is the most preferred and affordable means of transportation for majority of population in the country.  It is, therefore, imperative that railway tracks are well-maintained not only to ensure timely travel but also to ensure the safety and security of the passengers.  If the reports are correct, the situation is a serious threat to the right to life of the passengers, said the NHRC release.

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