Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has cancelled affiliation of the education department located on the campus of  Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU), Ara, from the next academic session for not maintaining its guidelines despite several instructions. Although the VKSU administration has not received letter in this regard but the information in this connection has been uploaded on the NCTE website.

The VKSU was grated affiliation for the BEd course on its campus in 2006 and the teaching of BEd started in the education department of the university since but without any basic infrastructure. The BEd department has no building of its own though a new building on the new campus has been constructed but the department has not been shifted there so far. That apart, the BEd classes are being conducted by only five teachers while 15 posts of teachers and a Principal have been sanctioned. The education department of the VKSU lacks almost all basic amenities and prescribed standard for the BEd course.

A team of the NCTE had visited the VKSU in 2013 and again in March 2017 and every time it raised objection to  faculty crunch and directed the university to maintain prescribed standard. The NCTE also sent several letters in this regard from time to time but the VKSU administration failed to cat and finally the NCTE cancelled affiliation of the BEd course under the Education Department on the campus of the VKSU.

Vice-Chancellor, VKSU, Sayyed Mumtazuddin refrained from commenting on the issue and added the university has not received any letter from the NCTE so far.

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