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New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing over fifty thousand people at the ‘Howdy Modi’ event at NRG stadium,  Houston, Texas, on September 22, 2019, night, said that new history and new chemistry are being made at the venue in Houston. “ The presence of Donald Trump and the senators talking about India’s progress is a respect to the achievement of the 1.3 billion Indians,” the Prime Minister said. He added that the energy at the stadium shows the increasing synergy between India and United States. Prime Minister was joined by the President of United States of America Donald J Trump.

“The name of this event is Howdy Modi. But Modi alone is nothing. I am a person working for the wishes of 130 crore people in India. So when you ask – Howdy Modi, I would say all is well in India,” the  Prime Minister said. Saying “Everything is fine” in multiple Indian languages, he said that this unity in diversity is the strength of our vibrant democracy.

“Today, India is determined and working hard towards creating a New India,”the PM said. He said that lots of efforts are being made to build a new and better India.  “India is not putting off challenges, we are taking them head on. India is not going for incremental changes, we are working on creating permanent solutions, and making impossible possible,”he said

Highlighting the achievements of NDA government in the past five years, PM Modi said, “In the last five years, 130 crore Indians have achieved things which no one could have even imagined. We are aiming high, we are achieving higher.” He mentioned about the transformational action done by his government in providing gas connections to households, improving rural sanitation, creating rural road infrastructure, opening of bank accounts etc.

The Prime Minister reiterated the commitment of his government towards ‘Ease of Living’ and ‘Ease of Business’. He outlined the various initiatives undertaken by the government for ensuring ‘Ease of Living’ including removal of obsolete laws, ensuring faster delivery of services, cheap data rate, strong action against corruption, rolling out of GST etc.

Speaking about the abrogation of Article 370, the PM asked the gathering to give standing ovation to the parliamentarians for taking such a decisive strong action. He said that Article 370 had kept people of Jammu and Kashmir & Ladakh away from development and progress. “Now people of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh have the same rights as every Indian,”he said.

Prime Minister said that time has come for tough decisive fight against terrorism and those who support terrorism. He praised President Trump’s resolve in fighting against terrorism. He extended an invite to President Trump and his family to visit India. “Our friendship will give new heights to the vibrant future of India and the United States,” the PM  said.

Terming it as an honour and privilege to welcome Donald J Trump to the Howdy Modi event, PM Modi said that the US President has left a deep and lasting impact everywhere. He hailed the leadership qualities of the President of United States. He said that every time they met, he felt the friendliness, warmth and energy of Donald J Trump.

Addressing the event, Donald J Trump said that PM Narendra Modi is doing an exceptional  job for India and its citizens. He congratulated the Prime Minister for his unprecedented election victory and added that the relationship between India and United states are better than ever.

Hailing Primes Minister’s pro-growth policies, Trump said, “India has lifted nearly three hundred million people out of poverty under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. That is incredible.” He said that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, the world is witnessing a strong, thriving Republic of India. He thanked the Indian community for their contributions and said that his administration is committed towards the betterment of the community.

Welcoming PM Modi to Houston, House Majority leader Steny Honer said that United States is inspired by modern India. He said that PM Modi leads the nation while being mindful of the challenges, undeterred as India reaches into a new frontier of space and equally determined to lift millions out of poverty back on earth. Earlier, Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner presented the ‘Key to Houston’ to Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a mark of respect, solidarity and long standing India-Houston relationship, according to a PIB release.

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