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Patna: Former Bihar CM Jagannath Mishra on Friday urged Governor,Ram Nath Kovind to exercise his constituional powers under Article 200 of the Constitution and not approve the Bihar Excise and Prohibition Bill passed by Bihar legislature last week.

In a letter to the Governor, Mishra said the Bill was violative of the fundamental rights of the individuals.Terming it unconstitutional, Mishra said CM Nitish Kumar has claimed he was implementing the Directive Principles (47) to enforce prohibition, which were simply guidelines and not important as fundamental rights. Mishra said the provisions in the Bill to arrest all adult members in case liquor was found in a premises or house was against the fundamental rights guaranteed to the people. Provision of community fine was also an infringement on the fundamental rights, he said. Mishra suggested the Governor should either reject the Bill or send it to the President.

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