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Madhubani: A team of State Vigilance Investigation Bureau from Patna on October 27 morning arrested Sub-divisional Officer (SDO), Jainagar, in Madhubani district, Ghulam Mustafa Ansari, and SDPO, Jainagar, Chandan Puri, with their bodyguards for allegedly taking bribe from a firecracker dealer for granting him licence  for selling crackers during Deepawali.

Both of them were arrested for taking Rs 50,000 each from firecracker dealer Rambriksha. The bureau team arrested bodyguard of one of these two officers with the bribe amount. The vigilance bureau had received complaints against these two officers and laid a trap for them.

Another vigilance bureau team conducted raid at the Patna residence of SDO Ansari. Both SDO Ansari and SDPO Puri would be produced before a Vigilance court at Muzaffarpur along with their bodyguards on Thursday afternoon. Madhubani SP Dipak Barnwal said the vigilance team had arrested the two officers on the basis of certain complaints.



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