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New Delhi: The Government of India(GOI)  is seized with the reported leak of documents related to the ongoing Indian Scorpene submarine programme as reported in sections of the media. The documents that have been posted on the website by an Australian news agency have been examined and they do not pose any security compromise as the vital parameters have been blacked out.
The Indian Navy has taken up the matter with Director General of Armament of the French Government expressing concern over this incident and has requested the French Government to investigate this incident with urgency and share their findings with the Indian side, according to a PIB release. An internal audit of procedures to rule out any security compromise is also being undertaken. The matter is being taken up with foreign governments concerned through diplomatic channels to verify the authenticity of the reports.
The Government of India, as a matter of abundant precaution, is also examining the impact if the information contained in the documents claimed to be available with the Australian sources is compromised. The detailed assessment of potential impact is being undertaken by a high level committee constituted by the Ministry of Defence and the Indian Navy is taking all necessary steps to mitigate any probable security compromise, said the PIB release.

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