Alok Mishra

Vaishali: A married woman Rekha was murdered by her husband Pappu at village Madarna under Vaishali police station in Vaishali district late on August 24 night. Agitated over the gruesome murder, the villagers thrashed Pappu who succumbed to his injuries while being taken to Sadar Hospital, Hajipur, on Thursday morning.

Police said that Pappu and Rekha were married about 14 years ago and shave three children. Both husband and wife used to quarrel on petty issue and Rekha’s father in-law sent her to her parents’ place (maika) Madarna a month back. This agitated Pappu so much that he reached his in-law’s house about 10 days ago.

Police said that at around 12 pm on Wednesday night, Pappu asked his wife to accompany her. As the duo reached a secluded place, Pappu attacked his wife with a sharpedged weapon and murdered her. As the villagers heard the screams of Rekha, they started a search for Pappu, who hid himself in a field.

Police said though the villagers had started a search for Pappu late in the night itself, they found him on Thursday morning and assaulted him mercilessly. On getting information, the local police reached there and rescued Pappu from the clutches of the villagers. As Pappu was being taken to Hajipur Sadar, he succumbed to his injuries.


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