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New Delhi: Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Thaawarchand Gehlot reviewed the implementation progress of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) at the Central Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday.  Gehlot said that so far an amount of Rs 201 crore has been released to the five pilot states and Rs 228.97 crore to states in the extended phase.

The minister also said that following the success of the scheme in the 1,000 pilot villages in Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, it has now been extended to further 1,500 Scheduled Caste majority villages in Assam, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) is a Centrally sponsored scheme which is implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment for integrated development of Scheduled Caste majority villages having Scheduled Caste population of more than 50%.  The scheme aims to achieve integrated development of SC majority villages through convergent implementation of relevant schemes and providing gap filling funds to take up activities which do not get covered under existing schemes.  The major components of integrated development of villages under PMAGY include physical infrastructure such as construction of roads, street lighting, access to safe drinking water, sanitation and environment, social infrastructure, human development,social harmony and livelihood.



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