Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara: The swirling Ganga has maintained rising trend in Buxar district and wreaked havoc in several rural and urban areas even on Friday. The situation is becoming more alarming with each passing day. A large number of people have taken shelter either at the houses of their relatives or on the roof of their houses under open sky. Buxar district administration claimed it has been extending all possible help to the flood affected people.

Rajesh Yadav, Mrityunjay Mishra and others of Parsanpah panchayat in Buxar district said that the entire diara area is  marooned and cut off from the district headquarters but the district administration was supplying food in very small  quantity to each family. On August 25, three pregnant women complained of labour pain at Tavkal Ke Dera village but their family members were helpless to take them to hospital for want of any communication. Later, Savitri Devi, mukhia of Parsanpah panchayat, arranged a boat for them in the evening.

The Buxar-Koelwar embankment has turned into a shelter ground for the cattle and human beings but the main problem is fodder for the cattle. If the local farmers had not given fodder, cattle in large number would have died, said Kamlesh Yadav and Sukhari Yadav.

The power is supplied through rusted electric wire in diara areas despite the order to cut power from 4am to 7pm in the flood affected areas. The CO had ordered not to supply power during day hour but the officials of South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited are hardly bothered and power supply continues as usual. A transformer plunged into flood water at Mahji Ke Dera village.

Many people are not getting relief as their names were not added to the lists prepared for the purpose prior to the flood. CO Dilip Kumar of Simari block in Buxar district said that the list was prepared by the panchayat representatives and the relief was being given on the basis of the list. He visited Keshavpur to Gangauli on August 25 and said that the situation is alarming and added that the administration has appealed the people to take shelter at the relief camps but no one is ready to leave his house.

The northern part of the Brahmpur block in Buxar district is too has been devastated by the flood and people are forced to spend sleepless nights at the roof of their houses under the open sky. The flood water entered Nainijor, Dahbi ke Sanjivan Dera, Ramjivan Dera, Gazadhar Dera, Mahji Dera and other villages on Thursday. The flood water is flowing about four feet over  Brahmpur-Nainijor main road and has broken the road at several points.


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