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Bagaha : A day long dharna was staged on December 3, 2018, at Ambedkar statue, Bagaha, under the joint aegis of West Champaran Vikas Manch and Bagaha Revenue District Nirman Action Manch demanding Revenue District status to Bagaha. Bagaha is at present a police district.

A meeting was also held at the dharna venue where many speakers including Rabindra Upadhyay and Chandan Mishra, founder of the two Manchs respectively, and Shashi Kumar Mishra criticised Nitish Government for allegedly neglecting theĀ  development of Bagaha region. They said that Bihar CM Nitish Kumar was yet to fulfil the long cherished demand of the people for grant of Revenue District status to Bagaha.

They threatened to intensify their agitation and show black flags to the Chief Minister during his next visit to the place if their demands for Revenue District status to Bagaha, Sub-Division status to Ramnagar and Dhanaha, and block headquarters status to Parsauni, Chautarawa, and Harnatand, and Nagar Panchayat status to Valmikinagar panchayat were not conceded at the earliest. Both Manchs would motivate voters to boycott 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the speaker said. A large number of people including Chandradeo Mishra, Sanjay Singh, and Nippy Rao supported the demand of the two Manchs.

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