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Patna : In a daredevil act, three armed criminals shot dead two private securityguards and looted Rs 60 lakh from a Bolero which had brought the cash from Barh for the Baghatila branch of PNB under Belchi police station in Patna district at 12.15 pm noon non March 6, 2017. Although police sealed different exit points in the area, those involved in the robbery are yet to be arrested. Barh DSP and Belchi police station officials are inquiring into the incident.

Belchi police station SHO Upendra Kumar said that it appears the criminals were following the Bolero carrying the huge cash from Barh itself on a bike. Apparently, they had done recce and knew that cash would be carried to Baghatila by Bolero on March 6. As soon as the Bolero reached the PNB premises at Baghatila, the three criminals with their faces covered took out pistols, shot dead two securityguards, looted Rs 60 lakh cash and escaped from their unchallenged creating sensation in the area as the incident took place in broad daylight. The bank manager was also in the Bolero but he was not attacked by the criminals. Baghatilla is over 60 km away from Patna.

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