Alok Mishra

Gopalganj: Armed criminals looted Rs 1.50 lakh cash from the convener (sanchalak) of Customer Service Centre of Central Bank of re f oIndia,  Dilip f Dubey at Ganga Mor under Bhore police station in Gopalganj district on December 5. The criminals also snatched f Dubey’s laptop and escaped from there waving their pistols. The incident created terror among the locals.

Police said that Dubey, a native of village Bhaluhi under Kateya police station, runs Customer Service Centre of Central Bank of India at Ganga Mor where several people have their accounts. At around 11 am, Dubey had drawn Rs 40,000 cash in the denomination of Rs 2,000 notes  from Central Bank of India at Khajurahan. He was also carrying Rs 1.10 lakh cash of scrapped currency notes of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 and had to deposit the cash in a local bank.

Police said that Dubey kept all the cash in a bag containing his laptop and moved towards his Centre. As he reached near the Centre, two criminals riding a black bike accosted Dubey, police said adding that before Dubey could react, the criminals snatched his bag containing the cash at pistol point and sped towards village Lamichaur. Though the locals tried to nab them, the criminals sped away from there waving their pistols. On getting information, Hathwa SDPO Imteyaz Ahmad reached the spot. He said that raids were on to arrest the criminals.

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