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New Delhi: The Registrar General of India (RGI) released Census 2011 data on disabled population by type of disability, educational level and sex here on Friday. Out of the total disabled population of 2.68 crore in Census 2011, 1.46 crore (54.5%) are literates and the remaining 1.22 crore (45.5%) are illiterates. A decade ago, the percentage of literates among disabled population was 49.3% and the remaining 50.7% were illiterates. The comparative position of disabled population by literacy status, educational level among literates and sex for Census 2001 and  2011 shows that not only the percentage of literates has increased for both males and females during the decade 2001-2011 but also their attainment in higher educational levels has improved, according to PIB release.

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