Kumar Rajiv Nayan
Ara: With a view to forcing the private schools to implemen the Right to Education Act, the state education department has made it mandatory for them to hang a flex board of Right to Education (RTE) at their main gates. The schools have to mention in the flex board that admission against 25% of total strength of students in the schools will be taken free of cost under RTE Act, such students are given all facilities meant for them and also have to mention guidelines of the RTE. Departmental action may be taken against the owner of schools who do not abide by the rules and not hang such flex board at the gate of their schools. The Bihar government has sent letters to all the District Education Officers (DEOs) on July 19, 2016, in this regard.
The Bhojpur DEO has issued letters to all the private schools in the district in this connetion. Majority of private schools in Bhojpur district are reportedly not complying with the provisions of the RTE. Besides, they lack basic amenities, play grounds, lavatories, adequate rooms. They also do not have fire extinguishers and other fire safety arrangements at the school. The poor students are forced to buy costly books from their schools and other financial burdens are imposed on them. These schools fleece students in the name of smart classes. The students are also charged heavily in the name of bus fares .
Bhojpur DEO Suresh Prasad said that the owners of private schools have to abide by the provisions of the RTE otherwise their affiliation would be cancelled. All the private schools have been asked to hang flex board showing guidelines and activities of the schools in this regard and the education department keeps watch on their activities.
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