Speed Post News Network

Ara: Bhojpur police arrested Rinku Ojha, a Bhojuri singer, on Friday evening in connection with murderous attack on  Deputy Mayor, Ara Municipal Corporation (AMC), Basant Singh in the wee hour on Thursday when he was on morning walk. Police arrested Rninku Ojha on the basis of FIR lodged against him and five others with Town police station, Ara. Police are searching for other miscreants.

But the arrest of Rinku Ojha created ripple in his community and delegation of local unit of Brahaman Mahasabha led by its district president Anjani Tiwari met the SHO Town police station on Friday and alleged that Ojha had been falsely implicated in the case while the main culprit was at large. They also staged demonstration in front of the Town police station and said that Brahaman Mahasabha would not tolerate injustice to Rinku Ojha and resort to aggressive agitation if the police did not release him.

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