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Ara : About a dozen inmates of Ara jail staged dharana inside the jail on June 11, 2017, in protest against non-availability of basic amenities. Some of them also observed fast. They raised slogans against the jail administration.

Jail Superintendent Niranjan Kumar Pandit said that the inmates of Ward No 2 of Ara jail were staging dharana in front of his the office since June 11 norning demanding basic amenities. He said that the inmates are demanding more handpumps and lavatories besides cleanliness. He said that after construction of new building inside Ara jail some inmates were shifted there earlier but some were kept at the old one for security reasons and added they were also demanding their shifting to the new building. The Jail Superintendent said that there are 1,041 inmates in the jail but only 12 inmates of ward no 2 had problems.

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