Speed Post News Network
New Delhi : As per the directions of the Union Agriculture Minister, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC &FW), Sanjay Agarwal chaired a high-level meeting here on February 25, 2020, on Desert Locust Control.
Senior Officers from Governments of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, and Haryana, officers from Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Home, National Disaster Management Authority, and CMD of HIL (India) Limited, Special Secretary, DAC&FW, Agriculture Commissioner, and other officers of DAC&FW participated at the meeting.
During the presentation, the locust control operations done from May 2019 to February 2020, challenges faced, and its achievements were discussed. Losses caused by locust attack in Rajasthan and Gujarat and status of support under SDRF/NDRF were also discussed. It was informed that Inter-Ministerial teams had visited both Rajasthan & Gujarat to assess the crop loss so that additional funds, if required, may be issued from NDRF as per norms.
Control Operations were reviewed and Secretary DAC&FW appreciated the excellent cooperation and coordination between State Governments and Central Government Departments. Next year’s plan was discussed in detail as per the inputs from different stakeholders. It was planned that Central Government will conduct Awareness campaigns/training for State Government Officials/BSF personnel/Revenue Department officials/farmers at village level. Agarwal directed officials to organizs training and awareness programmes in all 4 states (Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab and Haryana) during March-April.
Report of Senior Locust Forecasting Officer of FAO, who visited India on January 16-17, 2020, was discussed. He has appreciated India’s efforts noting “swarms would be present in Haryana and Punjab, moving east towards Bangladesh similar to the 1950 when there were devastating plagues that lasted up to 14 consecutive years.”
Keeping in view this year’s experiences, Secretary DAC&FW advised to strengthen joint coordinated efforts with Locust Warning Organization, State Agriculture Department, BSF and Farmers. Agriculture Secretary assured that all required assistance will be provided to State Governments for locust control. For next year, it is proposed to strengthen the control capabilities, logistics (pesticide, vehicle, tractors etc.) both at States and Central level and Capacity building programmes will be conducted, according to a PIB release.
Secretary Agarwal said the Coordination Group Meeting of neighbouring countries namely India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Bangladesh may be convened. He appreciated this year’s outstanding work in locust control.