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Ara: Acting Principal, S B College, Ara, Anil Kumar Sinha tendered his resignation to the Vice-Chancellor, Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU), on Thursday though the VC has not accepted his resignation so far and called him to his office for dialogue on Friday.

Acting Principal, S B College, Sinha said that admission to the Intermediate and BA part I and II are going on but some anti-social elements were creating hurdle creating problem for him in discharging his duty. He Sinha said he had written to the Bhojpur district administration seeking its co-operation in the matter but to no avail so far. The anti-social elements create uproarious scene daily and he feels insecure, Sinha said. VC, VKSU, Leela Chand Sah, confirmed that the acting Principal had mailed his resignation but he did not accept it and called him to his office for talks. He also blamed the district administration fof non-cooperation.

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