Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Police removed all the encroachments from Ara Sadar Hospital campus after a day long exercise on December 26. The entire hospital campus was looking like a police camp.

Police led by Ara SDO Navdeep Shukla, ASP (operations) Md Sajid and other police officials got demolished at least  40 houses on the campus of Ara Sadar Hospital in which people were living for the  last 60 years illegally. Their family members were earlier in job but retired long back. But after their retirement they did not vacant the houses despite several and notices. Bhojpur district administration was planning to free these houses from illegal occupants since June this year. In the meantime, the district administration selected sites for the construction of Nursing and General Nursing and Midwifery Training Institutions on the campus beside the ANM School but found these houses  big obstacles.

First the police asked the illegal occupants to vacant their houses. At this the occupants mostly women and girls came out of the house and had a tiff with the police but when the police adopted tough posture, they themselves started removing household articles. When all came out of their houses, police with the help of bulldozer demolished  40 houses. SDO Navdeep Shukla said that the action was taken to free the houses from illegal occupants and demolished the houses on the direction of Patna High Court.

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