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Bokaro:  Bermo (Bokaro)  police  on Saturday found  body of a 24 year old girl in her bed at Dhori Pench Mohalla  near Dhori staff quarter colony of Central coalfield Limited  (CCL), 35 km away from Bokaro steel city in Jharkhand. The girl was all alone at her house as her mother had gone to her native place at Kasmar to fetch grains two days  back and help her brothers in planting paddy saplings,   leaving her daughter alone which she used to  do earlier too telling her neighbours to take care of her daughter. Her father had already died.

Its feared that the girl was strangulated to deaths as her neck is swollen and finger marks are present on the neck portion and her room  locked from outside. According to inspector of Bermo police station  Nobel Kujur, after killing the girl whose body was found on her bed with half worn dress with struggle marks  indicating she fought with the assailants. There was a poster on the main gate stating that  she was ending her life as she was feeling lonely.

“The fake suicide note not written in the handwriting of the girl  –Ma tum Mujhe chor Kar Chali Gayi …Isiliye main bhi ja Rahi hun( Mother as you went away to village I am also going)-  was put on the main gate which is closed  from outside,” said Kujur suggesting she was killed by few persons who must have information  that Sharmia was alone at  her house. Police sources feared that the young lady might have was raped  by the attackers who tried to give this a suicide look by writing the suicide note .

On being asked whether this is case of rape followed by murder by those whom Sharmila might have been knowing, inspector Nobel Kujur said it could not be totally ruled out but unless the post- mortem report comes for which the body has been sent to Tenughat hospital he will not like to make any comment.  According to neighbours, till late last evening hours Sharmila had chatted with her friends after which she  told them that she was going for dinner.

“Today morning  after we woke up, we found the main gate of the girl’s house closed from outside and a letter put on the main gate in which the suicide note was written. We immediately called Bermo police which rushed to  the spot and later went inside to find the girl lying dead in her bed,” stated Sitaram Mahto, a next door neighbour  of the deceased  besides two other elders living in the same Mohalla. Bokaro SP Y S  Ramesh stated that investigation into this case had started and after post- mortem report it will be known whether the gril was physically assaulted and then  strangulated to death.

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