Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Two notorious criminals : Butan Chaudhary and Pawan Chaudhary, were shifted to Beur Central Jail, Patna, from Ara Jail  on September 9, 2018, under tight security cover.

Superintendent, Ara Jail, Niranjan Pandit said that Butan Chaudhary and Pawan Chaudhary are residents of village Belaur under Udwantnagar police station. Butan Chaudhary is an arch rival of Ranjeet Chaudhary of Belaur while  Pawan Chaudhary is a sharpshooter of Ranjeet Chaudhary.

Dozens of persons have been killed in the battle for supremacy in between the two groups of the village so far. Butan Chaudhary was arrested with AK 47 about two years ago while Pawan Chaudhary was arrested about one- and- a half – year ago. Ara Jail Superintndent said that both the inmates of Ara jail were shifted to Beur Jail to maintain law and order and peace inside the jail.

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