Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : A  woman died while her daughter and nephew were seriously injured when the  motorcycle they were riding collided with an autorickshaw between Gaura and Umraoganj villages under Bihia police station (PS) in Bhojpur District on February 23, 2021.

Police brought the body over to Ara Sadar Hospital for post-mortem while the injured were admitted to a private clinic at Ara. Doctors, later, referred the nephew of the deceased to Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) in view of his serious condition. The deceased was identified as Puja Devi, wife of Binod Paswan of Gaura village under Bihia police station, while the injured were identified as Pallawi, daughter of the deceased, and her nephew Sonu Paswan, son of Bihari Paswan of Bihia under the same police station.

Family of the deceased said that Puja Devi had gone to her maternal uncle’s place at Bihia on February 22, 2021, and she was returning Gaura village along with her daughter Pallawi and nephew Sonu Paswan on a motorcycle. When they were between Gaura and Umraonganj villages, an autorickshaw collided head-on with the motorcycle killing Puja Devi on spot and injuring Pallawi and Sonu Paswan. Puja Devi of Birampur under Koelwar police station was married to Binod Paswan in 2015 but she lived with her maternal uncle at Bihia.