Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : A woman was burnt to death allegedly by her in-laws at village Perhap under Sahar police station in Bhojpur district on April 21, 2017, evening for just Rs 20,000 and a gold chain in dowry. Police brought the body to Ara Sadar Hospital for post-mortem on April 22 morning. A named FIR has been lodged with Sahar police station against the husband, father-in-law and  mother-in-law of the deceased on the statement of her deceased father.

Jodagir Ram of village Babhai under Karpi police station in Arwal district married his daughter Sonam Kumari with Arjun, son of Jai Lal of Perhap village under Sahar police station in 2015. She also had a son with him. But her in-laws and even husband tortured her for Rs 20,000 cash and a gold chain. When their demands were not fulfilled, her in-laws allegedly sprinkled kerosene oil on her on April 21 and set her afire. After the villagers raised an alarm, her in-laws admitted her to the Primary Health Centre (PHC) where she succumbed to her injuries in the late evening on April 21.

The SHO Sahar police station said that Arjun worked in a private firm in New Delhi and Sonam Kumari lived with her husband there. A week ago, she returned to her in-laws’ house with her husband from New Delhi. On April 21, she had a tiff with her in-laws and husband for Rs 20,000 and a gold chain that led to her killing.

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